Sunday, September 17, 2006

The life in the day of a soldier

Only a tad dramatic... hehe... thats the title of the article my friend wrote on her experience in a paintball competition.

Couple of days ago we.. 9 of us in all decided to join a paintball comepetition just for the fun of it. It was only RM10 after all.

Day 1
So bright and early on Saturday morning team munchkin(as we had chosen to call ourselves as there were quite a few shorties) were all gathered in Sunway Extreme Park for the Yeos tripple-play challenge.

Totally no expectation. We had all pretty much figured we'd be knocked out in the first game. We were all freshies and had never held a painball amrker in our lives.. we had no knowledge on counter-tactics, gameplay, or just well aiming...

Hours later... and I mean HOURS later... we played our first elimination round... and to our suprise... we actually won.. ok fine... victory was served on a silver platter... the opposing team were really idiot... they got disqualified as they took off their helmet and didn't "die" when they were shot. We were lucky... we were all jumpy that first round... I believe there were 2 people who decided to drop their guns and cower behind a tree... I won't mention names cos I'm nice... (who am I kidding? haha... Anndrina was hiding behind a tree shrieking-cowering)

The next round was 3 hours away.. so now that we had a better idea of things... we actually sat down and brainstormed...This time around... we knew we weren't going to be so lucky... we knew that the next team would know the rules... and wouldn't be utter idiots... if we wanted to stay in contention... we needed to beat the next guys... people who had equal to more experience... and outnumbered us by a man (which is quite a lot... that a whole 150pellets more)

Captain Phyo and myself did most of the strategy part... about as useful as I could be... since I was feeling kinda ill from the loss of blood (pulled out a tooth..and the darn thing didn't wanna clot)... couldn't run much without getting really tired... so yea... helped with the strategy...

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... the opposing team won the first bout... they were good... the thing which Ireally love about paintball.. something I've never found in any other game.. is how people give it 100%... even the people who normally don't give anything 100%... you know what I mean... sometimes you just don't have sufficient motivation to give a damn... but paintball is totally different... it wasn't so much the money which pushed us on.. it was the being pissed off... unlike other sports... a necessity of the game is getting hurt... and its pretty painful... so after the first game... after being battered with an array of orange colored balls... we were all sufficiently pissed off... thats when the tables turned... and we won the succeding 2 bouts, earning our place in the quarter finals... for the first time.. we all actually believed we had a shot of making it to the end

Day 2
Again bright and early... the birds were chirping, the engines were puring, the futsal fans were cheering, and the guns were firing...

A suprise was up for us today... a suprise disqualification of our original opponents.. we were originally supposed to go up against 'fellowship of the balls'... however the genius' flicked 5 cartons of beer on Day 1 and were hence kicked out of the competition.. we a;; thought "woohoo.. we get a walkthrough"... but another suprise... instead of that.... they recalled one of the teams which was eliminated the previous day... Team Munchkin was now Vs. The Painkillers...

5..4...3...2...1... they were good.. they were very very good... but they were also cheators... bloody fellas... got shot so many times and didn't wanna fall down... 1 time perhaps negligence..2 times...3 times.. 4 times??? thats cheating plain and simple.. First round we won... the marshals did their job... and we got the first bout...

The second bout however was theirs... the marshals did not see... or did "not" see the garish cheating... spirits were broken... sum just cried in frustration... we were low on ammo... the opposition was getting away with cheating... and we were all exhauted from playing a clean game with people who obviously thought that the rules did not apply to them... we knew.. we had too little ammo for a long drawn out fight.. we weren't allowed to reload on the 3rd bout... and we were too exhausted for a long drawn out fight...

5...4....3....2....1.... Captain ran for all 3 flags once the bottles were taken down by pt. sheg... and he actually got all 3... but was shot when he got behind the barrier... it was up 2 the backup runner now... he dropped his gun and ran for the flag... I was minus a gun so I ran for his gun and gave him cover while he ran for the flag... 10 seconds later... and it was all over.. we had won to the dismay of our cheators.. I think that was the first time I'd heard so many people shout "up yours cheators" so loudly at the same time.... That was a really nice moment haha.. losing to an honorable opponent is fine... losing to one which cheats however is really pissing off.... but what beats all of that is playing clean and beating the cheators...

We had an hours break or so before we were up for our next match which would decide the two teams which would proceed to the finals... we were all very much injured... but we were motivated....

5...4..3...2...1.... We lost.. plain and simple... no matter what strategy we tried.. we lost.. the opposition, which comprised of 10 men in their 30's were simply too good... they all were accurate and strategic.. probably experienced... we had been beaten.. but we had been beaten by a worthy opponent... no shame in that..

We were now out of contention for the 1st and 2nd spot... but the 3rd was still up for grabs... 15minutes break however was all we were going to get... the other team had been resting for hours... and outnumbered us... this time... there was no time to strategize... just enougb time to grab a drink... wash up a little and get back on the field...

We were up against a batch of 10 guys in their teens.. we won.... for space-saving sake I will leave out the countdown and the blow-by-blow summary... the game was over very quickly... the first bout was over within a minute... the second bout possibly 2 minutes... I think we set the record for the ammount of headshots in that round.. lolz... ooo... ok la.. I'll add on one part for the "blow-by-blow" section which was pretty cool.. when the runner dropped his gun, the captain used two guns and shot down 4 of the opposition.. haha... that was funny crap

And so we secured ourselves the 3rd spot... which basically reimbursed us of the money we'd spent on food there... but hey.. we took back with it all experience... and tons of fun..

The 3 top teams had a photo session later on with channel 9.. hehe... quite the fun.. and we were the only batch of sports who were friendly with eachother after the games.. thats one of the best things actually... during the game we were bitter enemies trying to make em pay haha... but after that we were sporting about it all and congratted eachother..

-The end-

yes la.. i know this post is annoyingly long.. no one asked you to read it all right...hehe

p/s: any other paintball competitions around.. please contact us... it was damn fun

Yeos "isotonik" rocks!!... I'm obligated to spread some propoganda


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aiyo aiyo AIYO it sounds like it was damn fun. DAMNIT. I want to play soon.

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanx a whole lot lieutenant Michael aka Turtle !!!

6:25 PM  

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