Saturday, July 01, 2006


1.5 years I patiently waited for Superman Returns. Watching re-runs of the old Superman movie, immersing myself in Superman the animated series, Justice League, and of course Smallville.

After all the wait... after indulging myself in a certain image of what a proper Superman movie should be like... Superman Returns didn't live up to my expectations.

Due to Smallville, there were certain things in the new movie which I find rather hard to accept... or simply bad directing

1st.. How very old and country ish Smallville was made to be
2nd.. How geeky young
Clark was made to look
3rd.. How very old Martha Kent looked
4th.. There was so little actual fighting.. Come on.. It’s a Superman film
5th.. Lex Luthor was made to be fairly simple minded in the film. The Lex Luthor we have all come to love is intelligent, calculative, cunning, cold, ruthless, and powerful. Not to mention not fat.
6th.. Inconsistency in strengths/weaknesses with other films/series. In Smallville/the animated series and the prior movies, a small shard of kryptonite was enough to reduce Superman to a tangle of writhing limbs. In the movie, he was stabbed with a kryptonite dagger; fragments of the blade still in him... and he still was able to lift up an entire island?
7th.. Recovery wise... Superman should have recovered from injury way sooner... he took what a day in the Metropolis' Hospital?
8th.. Inconsistency in speed. Superman should be able to move wayy fast... faster even than light... but in the movie... he had to actually struggle quite abit to just catch up with the plane... oo which is another example for inconsistency in strength... Superman was able to push the moon out of its orbit in one of the older movies... yet in this movie... he had trouble stopping a plane...

Hehe... Nevertheless, I reaffirm my stance as a hardcore Superman fan, and Batman hater! (ok.. fine disliker)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course lah, if you build up expectations to that point, they are BOUND to be disappointed.

anyway, Batman rocks lah.

11:21 AM  

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