Thursday, July 24, 2008

I think it is my duty to share with all of you this simply awesome article!


Sunday, July 13, 2008

So I watched 'Journey to the center of the earth' today, and I was reminded of a common physics question. Like if you were to let a stone fall; the seconds between when released and when the sound of the stone hitting the ground is heard indicates the distance to the ground.


For e.g.

It falls----------->It hits------------------->Its heard
0-------------->X seconds-------------->23seconds later

Sound travels at 343m/s

d = 0.5gt²

Assuming X is 16:

= 9.8 * 16² * 0.5
= 1254.4m

Time it takes to be heard, 1254.4/343 i.e. the time between x and the time it was heard.

3.65 + 16seconds = 19.65 seconds. Thus X must be >16

The table below indicates the second-distance (for up to 20seconds) with relative accuracy.

The Calculator below works in excel 2007. Just type in the seconds in the colored box and press enter.

p.s. you need to activate continous via going to excel options>formulas> and tick allow iterations

Saturday, July 12, 2008


She said, “They gave me of their best,
They lived, they gave their lives for me;
I tossed them to the howling waste,
And flung them to the foaming sea.”
She said, “I never gave them aught,
Not mine the power, if mine the will;
I let them starve, I let them bleed,—
They bled and starved, and loved me still.”
She said, “Ten times they fought for me,
Ten times they strove with might and main,

Ten times I saw them beaten down,
Ten times they rose, and fought again.”
She said, “I stayed alone at home,
A dreary woman, grey and cold;
I never asked them how they fared,
Yet still they loved me as of old.”
She said, “I never called them sons,
I almost ceased to breathe their name,
Then caught it echoing down the wind,
Blown backwards from the lips of Fame.”
She said, “Not mine, not mine that fame;
Far over sea, far over land,
Cast forth like rubbish from my shores,
They won it yonder, sword in hand.”

She said, “God knows they owe me nought,
I tossed them to the foaming sea,
I tossed them to the howling waste,
Yet still their love comes home to me.” - Emily Lawless