Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Michael's School for Gifted Youngsters

So here's this idea i had quite randomly while sitting in the car. Since traditional school systems do not have mechanisms for adequate character development, we need a formalized method to mold individuals into leaders. As it stand today, the leaders we have are randomly produced by means of statistical improbability that the right nature and nurture are met. The idea i have is in forming a school system using experiential learning methods to form leadership qualities. This fulfills the nurture component. As for nature, standardized tests will be developed to ensure only those with the right potential are selected for the schools. Ok, this is somewhat elitist and would definitely get some protests, and some of the classes/tests i have in mind are some what controversial. However, the results will definitely speak for its success.

Some of the ideas i have for the actual internal structure would follow military school style and certain aspects of the octoberists. For starters, all students would be seperated into groups of 5, and a leader is preappoined based on certain standardized paper & live-reaction scenarios. This group of 5 will exist until the end of the schooling system. The individual success or failure will lie largely on the success or failure of the group. Everythign will be tabulated on points basis, and at the end of every term, if a certain ammount of points are accomplished, you get a rank elevation which comes with certain perks. For e.g. a private rest area for breaks, or personal bathrooms. Additionally, new insignia's are bestowed for the uniforms.

The curriculum will include the normal subjects such as maths, language and general skills. However the component which shall largely differentiate it all is the component i like to call "survival training".

A large part of being a leader is being a survivor. Learning how to survive, learning how to achieve one's goal, learning how to keep the lead, and chase off the competition. This is essentially what shall be thought in this school.


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